1 September, 2018
2 minutes read
Genoa - Ceriale
Lets get to the point - don’t buy tents in Jysk.
Last night we slept in the tent, in a pit 2 centimeters deep. It was thundering. Raining. We couldn’t even make it to cover our tent with nylon (That is the trick we came up to last time). For our tent we could say that it leaks if it could keep even a bit of rain out. We couldn’t make it to cover even our bicycles. Everything is soaking wet. Everything is twice as heavy.
But, beside that, ve were very productive and happy today. Although we started riding from Genoa around 11 AM, after we packed our muddy staff, we managed to eat as much as two ice creams today, and along with it to go through 80 kilometers. Also, we managed to see towns such as Arenzano, Cogoleto, Varazze, Albissola Marina, Savona, Spotorno, Noli, Varigotti, Finale Ligure, Pietra Ligure, Loano, Ceriale, and to finish our ride at 17:30. We also managed to settle just beside the sea at the end of Ceriale.
We lost one Nike women’s shoe. Fair finder will receive a reward. Please share.
We had corn for breakfast and cheese with rissoto for dinner. We will have one more bathing in the sea and then we’ll go to sleep.
We will go near the border with 🇫🇷 tomorrow, so we could be in Nice two days after tomorrow. That’s the plan! And now let’s see what cosmos have on it’s mind. :)