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Day 29: Alvor - Lagos

28 September, 2018

One minute read

Today, unlike the days before, we faced unexpected hills and the wind was blowing from the side and directly towards us again, and by no means in our back.

We left the camp a little bit later again, but we arrived at Lagos after two hours of riding in total. We were riding to the beach, changed our clothes there, tied up our bikes and swam on Portuguese waves.

When we estimated that it was enough swimming (?!?!?!?!), we hit the road towards hostel that we booked earlier. We are accommodated with another four people from different parts of the world. We sleep here and tomorrow rest finaly starts. We are going to next-to-last city - Lisabon!

← Previous day Day 28: Albufeira - Alvor Next day → Day 30 - 34: Lisbon